Part Time Work In Germany Things You Need To Know

One of the biggest factor influencing students to choose a county for their higher studies is the work options they get there. It is preferable for them to be able to work on part time basis while they are studying, not only to gain some experience, but also because the extra income they get from these jobs helps them to settle in well without any problems on the financial front.

Germany, being one of the most advanced countries in the world, offers not only some world class education, but it also gives students the opportunity to support themselves in being independent. But there are certain laws and obligations that must be fulfilled by the students in order to be able to work in Germany. These laws have been set to suit not only the students, but the employers and the country also.

The laws are as follows:

International students are allowed to work 120 full days or 240 half days in a year. But this figure varies from regions of high employment rate to low employment rate. If a student is at a university with high unemployment rate or a place that may require high manpower, he or she may be allowed to work more than 120 full days or 240 half days.

As per university standards, a student is not allowed to work more than 20 hours per week. But they can work full time during holidays and vacations.

International students are required to get a work permit from Federal Employment Agency and residency permit in order to work in Germany. These documents will set certain working conditions for the students which should be followed by them thoroughly.

If in case the student is enrolled in any language or preparatory course, he or she is only allowed to work during the free periods of lectures and with due permission from authorities.

Students earning less than 450 Euros per month are not subjected to taxation. Also students working less than 50 continuous days in one year are exempted from it.

Working for more than 20 hours per week will make the student liable to pay health insurance, unemployment as well as nursing care insurance.

It is important for students to follow the rules and laws. Breaching these standards in any way may not only lead to suspension of work permit, but may also force the authorities to deport the student. So it is important that the student follows the rules and regulations that have been previously set.

One good option for the students is to work with the university. The wages are not only far better, but the students can work for longer hours. However, securing a job with the universities is not easy.

How Much Can You Expect To Be Paid:

Normally a student earns between 5 to 15 Euros per hour and up to 450 Euros per month. One can expect to earn more in big cities, but the cost of living in those cities is quite high.

Part time job is a good source of earning extra income and supporting small needs, however, a student shouldn’t entirely be dependent on his or her part time job to pay for education and other major expenses. One should remember that a part time job is a good way of earning pocket money and pay for daily small expenses only.